End-to-end white collar workforce recruitment
and consulting.
Our team for your team!

End-to-end white collar workforce recruitment
and consulting.

Our team for your team!

From a recent hire to a key player in your company?

It is not difficult to find jobseekers in today's labour market. The real challenge is sorting through hundreds of applications to find the ideal specialist for the position you need filled. Your team does not just need an employee, but a key player, whose contribution will act as a long-term investment for your company.

The recruitment and selection process can often turn into a never-ending, arduous chore, for which many of today's companies do not have the time, resources or financial capacity to spend. High salary needs and special requirements can often lead to the applicant and the employer being unable to find common ground, leading to even more admin in the selection process. These HR demands are near impossible to overcome quickly and effectively when faced with the daily tempo of running a business. This is why it is better to entrust these tasks to HR specialists.

WHC Solution No. 1

Goodbye open positions, hello permanent placement

WHC provides end-to-end, full-scale solutions to companies seeking to simplify and quicken the recruitment process. This applies in the case of white-collar labour as well.

The immediate advantages
of permanent placement

  • An active recruitment database and connections in every industry
  • Access to and sourcing of specialised professionals
  • Market knowledge that is relevant for our partners
  • Search and recruitment of passive candidates
  • Warranties on all recruited candidates

What makes WHC's expertise worthwhile?

  • We only find the most qualified candidates for the job
  • We use modern, cutting-edge recruitment tooling
  • If necessary, we can provide individually tailored performance evaluations and access to our Assessment Center to help find the right candidate
  • We pay attention to the needs of our clients
  • Marketing support with every project, with a constant optimisation of our advertisements to keep them up to date
  • We provide in-depth HR and business development consulting

Step-by-step permanent placement

What do we mean by a warranty?

If the needs of the hired candidate and the partner company do not align, leading to the termination of employment within the warranty period, we are willing to provide a one-time initiation of another round of recruitment. We provide this free of charge within the scope of the warranty program.

Other services with which we support
or partner companies

Thanks to the extensive resource base of our permanent placement service, we can provide tailored, cost-effective, and flexible solutions to the needs of our partners.
  • E2E recruitment
    from sourcing to onboarding
  • CV screening
    mapping out candidates
  • Recruitment process outsourcing
    E2E recruitment through a dedicated team of outsourced professionals
  • Sourcing process outsourcing
    through a dedicated and professional sourcing team
  • Talent pool building
    candidate lists that help improve recruitment
  • Labour market consulting
    up to date information about labour market trends
  • Salary benchmarking
    reliable sources for setting salaries') ?>
  • Measuring competence
    for effective employee performance
  • Headcount planning consulting
    for investments and development
  • Assessments supporting selection
    measurement of hard and soft skills for accurate candidate selection
  • Leadership mentoring
    helping your colleagues bring out the best in themselves

WHC Solution No. 2

Temporary placement: A new colleague onboarded within a short time frame, even in unexpected situations

Temporary placement has often been associated with blue-collar work. However, it is also a well-functioning, practical, and cost-effective solution for white collar labour demands as well.

When is temporary placement a good option?

  • When labour demands increase during a period of heightened workloads or project work
  • When a possible staffing freeze stops you from onboarding a new employee internally
  • When employees go on maternity-leave, or when the industry faces a high season
  • When new workers are needed for short or long-term periods

What advantages does support from WHC bring?

  • Managing interim projects or handling temporary staffing shortages
  • Quick and efficient recruitment
  • Try & Hire service
  • End-to-end support and administration of the entire selection process
  • Full-scale onboarding service and on-site support
  • Employment admin and payroll management
  • Cutting-edge, paperless software solutions that simplify admin (e-timekeeping, e-payroll, e-benefits)
  • Company-tailored reporting

Why choose WHC?

  • We have an extensive and diverse professional background.
  • We can provide you with high-level market information and up-to-date familiarity with labour laws.
  • We provide practical assessments and client consulting. We always tailor the solution to our client’s needs.
  • We act as a mentor. We strive to build relationships of trust with both the partner company and the candidate.
  • Our services and support cover the entire selection process.
  • We have a supportive and cooperative attitude toward our partners and their applicants.
  • We fully adapt to multinational environments: on-site presence, project managers who speak foreign languages, and foreign language documentation are all available to employees.

We are here to help you

Our colleagues, having specialised in a variety of different fields, feel right at home operating in the industries they are responsible for.

We are here to help you

Our colleagues, having specialised in a variety of different fields, feel right at home operating in the industries they are responsible for.

Are you ready? Your company is next!

Our free consultation will help you get a closer look at the services we provide.

Let's get into the details » Click here to request a free consultation!

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About WHC

year of establishment
rented workers

aon award 2018
kincentric award 2019
kincentric award 2020
kincentric award 2021
Családbarát Vállalat 2024